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Peruvian ground apples

I am choosing the plants to grow this year at the allotment. One of the varieties I chose was the ‘potato bean’ which has the binomial name ‘Apios americana‘.

However, I ended up being sent three lots of Yacon tubers (‘Mashua’, Tropaeolum tuberosum). These are also known as Peruvian ground apples.

The company recognised this and is sending me the potato beans and letting me keep the Yacon as well.

Yacon tubers are surprisingly big- similar in size to a decent Parsnip. They are not frost resistant so I’ll be starting them off indoors, planting them out once they have some decent foliage.

I enjoy growing unusual plants at my allotment- although having some more traditional crops that are reliable such as tomatoes help with the sense of achievement!

Let me know in the comments if anyone else has had success with some unusual plants for the region they live in.

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