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Hello world!

Hello to all you wonderful readers!

I’m not sure exactly what direction this website will be taking- I’ll see what sort of reactions/data I get and gradually adjust.

You already know my name, but you might be wondering “why would you make a website about yourself?”

The answer to that is: To get my skills known. The world around us is going through unprecedented change. Let us analyse some of the emerging technologies:

  • AI: more roles than ever are being automated. This is going to result in a lot of job losses in the coming few years- an amount most people cannot imagine.
  • 5G cellular communications are being rolled out in various countries, which will enable extremely high bandwidth speeds without the need for cables.
  • Humanoid robotics already close to becoming usable in commercial situations. Just look at the progress of Boston Dynamics and Tesla with their models.

When all of these technologies mature, imagine what would happen when they converge. Corporate jobs will likely become much harder to come across, with more people making a living from their own small businesses.

Considering these factors I think it is good to get a head start making my services known. It’s also chance for me to grow my website building skills.

I’ll be putting posts up here from time to time as a sort of blog. Hopefully you will find these interesting!

See you next time.
